The Quarry Hill Family Tree 2012
30th March 2012
This week was the first Quarry Hill Social – a get together of all the creative and cultural organisations on Quarry Hill – and for the event we created the Quarry Hill Family Tree.
With nearly 70 businesses, individuals and organisations in such a small area all involved in creative or cultural practices, we wanted to showcase what this small corner of Leeds has to offer. The family tree is designed to raise awareness of all the fantastic creative businesses based on Quarry Hill, help build relationships between these creative companies and give an overview of the work that these businesses do.
Each organisation is listed as a sibling, parented by the building in which they work. There’s a family-based nickname for each member as well as a directory with their website and details of the sectors they’re enganged with.
Some of our favourite nicknames include:
The Uncle in the Closet (The Wardrobe)
The Dearly DepArted (DepArts)
Aunt Fanny (Leeds Life Drawing)
The Quickstep Mother (Yorkshire Dance)
The Drama Queen (West Yorkshire Playhouse)
The Mistress’s Sex Toy (Rabbit Hole)
The Grand Ma (Ma Design)
Good old Auntie (BBC Yorkshire)
The poster is free and you can grab a copy from Cafe 164 in Leeds.
You can also download a PDF of the poster
This project was done purely for the love of it and we’d like to say thanks to Yorkshire Dance, H&H Reeds Printers, Kendell’s Bistro and Creative Aristocracy for their kind donations towards the printing of the poster.